„Christian, where are you at the moment and what are you doing there?„. ! This question is asked a lot of my friends in the last few days when they saw my pictures on Instagram and Whatsapp. And the answer is Gozo :)

„I am learning english for five days on Gozo and get these extra days from my company, where i work“.
There is a german law that says „each employee gets five days extra if it´s used for education“ e.g. learning a language.
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Usually the next question is „OK, but why Gozo and where is it?„
Gozo is a small island next to Malta and between sicily and the african coast. That means it´ s warmer then in germany and on of the reasons why i choose Gozo. Another reason is the beautiful nature, the beaches with crystalclear water and if you like to dive you have one of the best diving spots in europe.

Another question is, what the school look like and if the teachers are nice. I must say that the school building of the BELS School is the most beautiful school building i´ ve ever seen. it stands in a small village on a hill with a beautiful view.

The teachers know how to make interesting lessons with a good mix between grammar, speaking and vocabulary and i hat the same good experience one year before with BELS School on Malta.
The groups are very small, enough that the teacher can respond to each one individually.
To be save in this special covid-19 situation, the school has special rules:
- Each teacher and student must wear a mask or a visior during the lessons in the building.
- The distance between each student is 1.5 m.
- Every morning the temperature will be taken of each student and teacher.
- The windows are open and the AC is switched on.
- This rules make it possible that the school is open and everybody is save.

In summary i can say that this week was full of sun, nice people, education and beautiful beaches. :)

So you should come to Gozo and learn english :)
Travel guides about Gozo:
Lonely Planet Malta & Gozo: Perfect for exploring top sights and taking roads less travelled
Pocket Rough Guide Malta & Gozo: Travel Guide with eBook: Travel Guide With Free Ebook
Hey Christian… sehr schön!
Ich wünsche Dir viel Erfolg und traumhaft schöne 5 Tage.
Bleib gesund!
Beste Grüße,
Danke Micha :)
Bleib du auch gesund :)